Research Paper Screening Process

Research Paper Screening Process

The assessment of research papers involves a four-step procedure.

  1. At first, we will check the plagiarism, and if it is equal or less than 15% overall with no higher than 3% from any individual source, then we will pass it to our respected reviewers.
  2. Papers submitted within the deadline (11:59pm on 30 JUNE 2024)will be reviewed by our dedicated review teams, of which one reviewer will be taken from UIU, and the other one from outside of UIU. Each paper will be evaluated by both faculty members (blind review- identification of the paper’s author will NOT be disclosed to reviewers).
  3. After completing the review process, the paper will be returned to the participants for further corrections, if needed. The corrected papers will need to be resubmitted by 11:59pm on 07 August 2024.
  4. Revised research papers received from participants will again be reviewed and graded by two faculty members separately in a blind process (preferably the same reviewers) and a score will be given for each paper on the basis of merits of the paper.
  5. Only a few shortlisted participants will be invited to present their papers on 07 September 2024.
  6. The session chair (preferably professor ranked faculty members of other universities) will give points on the basis of presentation skills, the content and merits of the paper, the contribution and uniqueness of the paper. These points will be added to the previously received blind review points.
  7. Papers will be ranked on the basis of total points received from the blind reviews and final presentation, and the top three papers from each domain will be awarded.